Newest developments in obstetrics and gynecology

Newest Developments In Obstetrics And Gynecology Mar 26, 2024

Looking at the newest developments in obstetrics and gynaecology

Using innovation to improve women's health care

Obstetrics and gynaecology (OB/GYN) has come a long way in the past few years, completely changing how women get medical care. We are happy to use these new technologies at Vijay Nursing Home - Sarita Gynae & Fertility Centre to give our patients the best care possible.

1. Surgery with minimum incisions

In traditional open surgeries, there are often big cuts and long healing times. Our skilled surgeons can do complicated procedures with smaller cuts, less pain, and faster recovery with minimally invasive surgical methods like laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. If a patient has fibroids, ovarian cysts, or endometriosis, minimally invasive surgery is a great option that requires less damage and has better results.

2. Progress in in vitro fertilisation (IVF)

For couples who are having trouble getting pregnant, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) can help them reach their goal of having a child. New methods in IVF, like blastocyst culture, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), and time-lapse imaging, have made success rates much higher and lowered the risk of having more than one baby. Our team of dedicated fertility doctors keeps up with the latest changes in IVF so that we can give our patients the best and most personalised care.

3. Virtual care and telemedicine

In this digital age, telemedicine has become an easy and handy way to provide medical care from afar. Our obstetric and gynaecological patients at Vijay Nursing Home can get virtual consultations, follow-up visits, and remote monitoring through telemedicine. This new method not only makes things easier for patients, but it also makes sure they get the same care, especially when face-to-face visits aren't possible.

4. Testing and counselling for genetics

Genetic testing is an important part of prenatal care because it helps parents-to-be figure out their risk of inherited diseases and make smart choices about their baby. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and expanded carrier screening are two new genetic testing methods that give a lot of information about a person's genes and possible risks. Our genetic counsellors work closely with patients to help them understand test results and make personalised suggestions for planning a family and managing a pregnancy.

We at Vijay Nursing Home - Sarita Gynae & Fertility Centre want to be on the cutting edge of new ideas in maternity and gynaecology. We try to give our customers the best care possible and get the best results by using the newest technologies and methods. Set up a meeting with our knowledgeable staff to talk about how these ground-breaking new ideas can improve your health and well-being. This is the start of your path to better health.
