Understanding Infertility: Causes, Myths and Facts

Understanding Infertility: Causes, Myths And Facts Jul 16, 2024

Vijay Nursing Home brought the detailed Knowledge about Infertility. Vijay Nursing Home is a Multispecialty Hospital Rohini Delhi. So today we are going to talk about a very important topic, that is infertility in our Indian Subcontinent. The question is what does infertility mean and can one ever have a child?


Yes, So the first part of the question, Infertility according to WHO, the world health organization, means inability to conceive after one year of Unprotected Intercourse. That is, if the couple has had regular intercourse without any contraception and without any barrier method Condom etc. If they have had intercourse and they have tried to have a baby for over one year then that couple can be labeled as infertile. 


Now the second question is can one ever have a child? Yes of course they can obviously have a child. There are various means and methods in terms of treatment. When we talk about the treatment in detail most of the couple can have children. In the next Paragraph, We will talk aout the Causes of Infertility.


Here Are The Main Causes Of Infertility:

The causes of Infertility are actually huge. When we start looking for them they can either be in female Partner or can either be in Male Partner or in both of the Partners. The Causes may be differ for Male and Female so here are the Some Main Causes of Infertility:


For Women:


Ovulation disorders

Problems with ovulating, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).



Decreased fertility as age increases, especially after 35.


Tubal factors

Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, often due to pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis.


Uterine or cervical abnormalities

Structural problems in the uterus or issues with cervical mucus.



Tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus.


Primary ovarian insufficiency

Early menopause or loss of normal ovarian function before age 40.


For Men:


Sperm production issues

Low sperm count or poor sperm motility or morphology.


Testicular issues

Problems with the testicles, such as varicocele or undescended testicles.


Hormonal imbalances

Low levels of testosterone or other hormonal disorders.


Genetic factors

Certain genetic conditions like Klinefelter syndrome.



Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or other infections that affect sperm health.


Lifestyle factors

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, obesity, and high levels of physical or emotional stress.


Reasons Behind to not Conceive over a year or more:


The Signs which the female Partner could have where we would look for Infertility at an earlier time less than one year irregular cycle or even no cycles more common in patients who are obese or with a history of recurrent infections. Where they have pain in the abdomen, where they have bleeding in between periods and excessive bleeding. Also A History of Exposure to tuberculosis is very common in our Country. Which really needs to be looked into. 


When We talk about the Male Partner, If they have Problem with erection like an erectile dysfunction that could have been associated with some form of infertility. Also they can have problems in ejaculation like a retrograde ejaculation. And also they would discharge or pain then in those cases infertility incidence is higher. 


Diagnosis Of Infertility By The best Gynecologist Rohini:

There are many types of testing done by the Fertility check up in Delhi ncr Such as Laparoscopy, semen analysis, X-ray, Ovulation testing, Hysteroscopy, Transveginal Ultrasound, Hormone levels and Blood Tests etc. 

The testing of fertility varies with the history of the Patient. If the Patient comes to us at a young age with a one year history of Unprotected Intercourse then the basic tests would start with male Partner where we analyze the semen and for the female partner the test of ovulation where we check for egg formation. Also we check tubal patency at the second or third stage. The best gynecologist in rohini delhi test would involve hormonal assay, knowing the basic hormonal stage of the female Partner. 

Some of the Myths and Facts about Infertility:

Myth 1: Infertility is always a woman’s problem.

  • Fact: Men can also have fertility issues. Both partners should get tested.

Myth 2: Age doesn’t affect men’s fertility.

  • Fact: Men’s fertility can decline with age, though less drastically than women’s.

Myth 3: Infertility means you can’t have children.

  • Fact: Many couples conceive with medical help or alternative methods.

Myth 4: Stress causes infertility.

  • Fact: While stress can affect overall health, it’s rarely the sole cause of infertility.

Myth 5: Birth control causes infertility.

  • Fact: Birth control does not cause infertility. Fertility usually returns after stopping it.


Infertility can be a challenging and emotional journey, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. Fertility check up in Delhi ncr offers hope and a variety of options for those struggling to conceive. Seeking support from the best gynecologist rohini can make a significant difference. Stay informed, explore your options, and most importantly, take care of your emotional well-being. We hope it would be help you to better understanding with Infertility.
